Our Team
Dr. Bengt H. Fellenius Dr. Tech. P.Eng
Dr. Fellenius is a professional geotechnical engineer and a former professor of Civl Engineering at the University of Ottawa (1979-1998). He is an internationally recognized author in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering, and, in particular, in deep foundations. He has gained a wealth of practical experience during more than 50 years of global work through a variety of assignments that encompass foundation, embankment, and soil improvement design for water and sewage treatment plants, industrial plants, as well as bridges, highway and airport projects, and marine structures and urban area development projects. Dr. Fellenius has written more than 300 technical journals, conference papers, articles, books and book chapters. Copies of many of the papers are available at www.Fellenius.net.
Dr. Hicham (Sam) Salem M.A. Sc., P.Eng
Hicham Salem is a veteran in geotechnical & foundation engineering and construction projects globally. He’s been a key contributor in high profile projects worldwide, an innovator in research and development for engineering technology, and has authored and co-authored multiple publications. Hicham Salem has extensive experience in designing and implementing automated instrumentation and data logging, unique testing setups, high capacity reaction frames and high-precision measurement systems. He is a leading expert on dynamic testing and analysis of pile foundations, low-strain pile integrity testing and cross-hole sonic logging of caissons and other concrete structures, with vast experience globally in well over a thousand projects.
Eng. Mario Terceros H.
Eng. Terceros H. is a veteran geotechnical & foundation engineer with more than 35 year of experience in design and construction of special and deep foundation projects. He introduced the use of the Expander Body in South America during the decade of 1990’s and developed the new versions of the technology including the post grouting system. He introduced several new technologies of deep foundations construction in South America and developed the Toe Box device. He has extensive experience in sedimentary soils under the water table. He has participated in international projects as consultant. Is professor of graduate courses in Bolivian Universities.